Saturday, October 14, 2017

Bob Sadino ~ Inspirational Friendly Businessman

Bob Sadino ~ Inspirational Friendly Businessman
Bob Sadino's name would have been quite famous, especially for you entrepreneurs, and the story of this eccentric figure can be an inspiration in running a business. What's interesting about Bob's story is from the side of the ups and downs of life that he once lived. And here's a brief review of Bob Sadino, hopefully it can be an additional information and inspiration for you.

The Life Journey of Bob Sadino

When the first time to see him certainly no one would have thought that this one figure is a successful entrepreneur. Bob Sadino, a man who likes to wear shorts and short-sleeved shirts has managed to inspire many people with his quirky style. The sole proprietor of the Kemchick and Kemfood business network has several times appeared on the television screen and inspired many people.

Bob Sadino was born in Lampung on March 9, 1939, the youngest of five children from a wealthy family. But that is not the factor that makes Om Bob a successful entrepreneur like now. When Om Bob was 19 years old his parents died. Om Bob was entrusted to inherit all of his parents' inheritance because his other brothers were well established economically. Om Bob then utilize his parents' inheritance to get around the world.

One of the countries he visited was the Netherlands. He also decided to settle there and work in a company called Djakarta Lylod in the city of Amsterdam and also in Hamburg, Germany. For 9 years Om Bob settled in Holland, and then met an Indonesian woman named Soelami Soejoed who is now his wife.

Bob Sadino's journey full of twists and turns began when Om Bob began to feel bored with life in Europe and want to return to Indonesia. In 1967, Om Bob brought his wife and two children home to Indonesia. He also brought home two of his favorite 1960 Mercedes cars. However, because he has no place to live and must pay for his family, Om Bob then sells one of his mercedes cars to buy a piece of land in Kemang area.

Brief Biography of Bob Sadino

Name: Bob Sadino
Born: Tanjungkarang, Lampung, 9March 1933
SD (elementary school), Yogyakarta (1947)
SMP (Junior high School), Jakarta (1950)
SMA (Senior high School), Jakarta (1953)
Employee Unilever (1954-1955)
Employees Djakarta Lloyd, Amsterdam and Hamburg (1950-1967)
Owner of Single Kem Chicks (supermarket) (1969-present)
President Director of PT BogaCatur Rata
PT Kem Foods (pabriksosisdan ham)
PT Kem Farms (Kebunsayur)
Travel Career Bob Sadino

In Indonesia, Bob Sadino works at PT. UNILEVER Indonesia. One day Om Bob decides to get out of the company where he works, because of his mindset that wants to go ahead and succeed independently. Ombob does not want to work tied and constantly on orders by superiors. Sangistri also support the decision of Om Bob. Om's determination Bob was unanimous, He then opened the business of renting his only Mercedes car, and ventured to be a driver.

But unfortunately Bob Sadino's first attempt was not running smoothly, car mercedesnya suffered damage due to accidents. Om Bob certainly can not finance the damage. Falling his life did not make his spirit receded, Om Bob then tried another way to support his family. He also melakoni work as a carpenter who only in price Rp.100, -.

This condition of course makes Bob Sadino very depressed and sad, life that was considered safe and still on the wheel has turned 180 degrees at that time.But from his bitter experience of life that does not necessarily make Bob Sadino broke charcoal, his fighting spirit continues to smolder to welcome a better future with his wife's children.

Bob Sadino rises from adversity

One day, a friend of Om Bob advised him to breed and do domestic chicken egg business. because at that time the chicken eggs are still rare in the market. Seeing the existing business opportunities Om Bob finally interested and agreed in the business. Together with the wife who supported him, Om Bob started the business selling door-to-door eggs to foreigners in Kemang area.

Incidentally Kemang is a residential center for foreigners in Jakarta. They sell the egg a few pounds per day. Armed with the experience of living in Europe, Om Bob does not have difficulty in speaking English, he understood the ins and outs of the culture of the European society kemdupan. There was a moment that inspired a Bob Sadino while chasing his country's chickens. I think a chicken can only feed itself and survive, let alone a man like himself who has reason. It is through this inspiration that it makes him an entrepreneur who strives hard and never gives up.

Hard work has been proven and Gradually, the business that is cultivated by Om Bob is increasing and unnoticed, Om Bob has become a pioneer of domestic chicken and eggs in Indonesia. Sometimes there are some foreign customers who complain about the lack of service from Om Bob. This then makes Bob learn more and more from his business experience that maximal service is the key to success of an entrepreneur.

In addition to his egg business, Bob Sadino also glanced at the chicken meat business, which became the forerunner to Kemchick and Kemfood which is still dominated by foreigners and Indonesians living in Kemang. In addition, the horticultural business of vegetables that implement the hydroponics system of Bob Sadino also runs successfully. Bob Sadino is a simple figure in his daily life as well as in his business, he puts forward action in changing fate than just the successful theories that have been taught.

Bob Sadino once compared between smart people and idiots. According to him, smart people today think too much and plan on life and business. As a result, none of these plans are manifested because they are too many considerations and calculations. Unlike the ignorant in a business without much calculation and direct consideration to do real action, because for him life needs to eat today.

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